It's this blasted puberty.

If anyone can learn to control it, Artemis Fowl can.

Saturday, January 29


This is what we um...did on Friday night.
  • We were indeed those lawyers.
  • Double gasp. Ah! Ah!
  • Accurately
  • Precisely
  • I'm bitter...muttermutter
  • Creepy symbolism--gasp
  • I don't know, Douglas, where did Sherlock Holmes go to school?
  • 75% of cannibals agree, vegetarians do taste better.
  • Rootbeer+nose= hurts.
  • Glitter
  • Goggles are spiffy.
  • A whole new world...
  • Do you have candy?
  • Your mom is naked. In bed.
  • Falingoes.
  • You're dead now.
  • Come here bunny...
  • OW! Stupid rabbit.
  • Uhm, Ushi, she's eating your shirt.
  • Meg's been trying to bite my leg for fifteen minutes now...
  • Pigtails
  • But if you were to hit that lightswitch with some arrows--which would be fun...
  • Evil wrestler fingernails.
  • And he was all sticky...
  • My bunny is better
  • No! Don't!
  • It even tastes oddly-colored
  • Fare thee well, eyebrows
  • You spell 'honor' like a Brit!
  • There's pink feathers on the floor. And in my eye.
  • Meg cooties!
  • My head itches
  • Inferior hacky-sack...
  • It's like all big and fwssh...!
  • Whee, belly button, look!
  • Hear that? It's a death scream. To warn the other rabbits.
  • We'd have cheese. Coke-flavored cheese.
  • It's wannabe cheese. A cheese poser. Le cheese poseur, as the French would say.
  • Concoction: diet root beer, coke, milk, raspberry sno-cone syrup, more coke, pink seven-up (note--don't make it you might get sick)
  • It has ham on it. But it has cheese! Alas, for it is not coke-flavored cheese.
  • Just think: this may be the first party where I drink too much and throw up!
  • Bunny looks like a squirrel. Maybe she is a squirrel in disguise.
  • Neeurumpkfh
  • Bunny looks like my cat. It's a squirrelcat!
  • Bunny noises
  • Follow the butterflies
  • I didn't mean to grab your foot...
  • Bunny, do you eat erasers?
  • Bunny says: kkhhrrr
  • It's THIS BIG!
  • "That's a pretty flimsy tower." "Yes. Because it's made of styrofoam."
  • Bleh...eth.
  • the soul.
  • Sad girl in snow!
  • It's the Obligatory Love Interest. And he has no eyes.
  • She faints backwards, in true Anime Girl fashion.
  • You'd think after running all her life she'd be good at it.
  • Tyler's basement, *giggle* (DIE DIE DIE)
  • Steeples
  • Now there's thumbprints on wait, that's toothpaste.
  • And he's got another hat.
  • You can't seduce someone without a hat.
  • El sombrero de seducion
  • We've raped and mowed your lawn.
  • A moustache! And a pox upon it!
  • They're like...Goth pirates...
  • There's a bicycle. In my basement.
  • I ward you off with my flashlight of doom!
  • Killer silly string
  • When about to be killed by a giant spider or a computer-generated ex-hobbit, always leave your sword in the cave.
  • My orc-senses are tingling...
  • Ventriloquist of DOOM!
  • You're like hot and cool and stuff. Don't get killed. Mm, bread.
  • Frodo and Sam. And Pippin, oh my!
  • "Who do you make sense to?" (blink) "Arachnid!"
  • I shall stab you with my butt, and you shall DIE!
  • He's not dead yet! Just pale...and comatose...but he's getting better!
  • I will fight you with my manly hobbit fists.
  • Eowyn...I am your father.
  • Vhen vill you vear vigs?
  • If that was a marching band, can you imagine the half-time show they'd do?
  • I stab you in your lack of face.
  • Sexy hobbit suspenders.

Thursday, January 27


I have changed my email address and am slowly going over to that one. Just so y'all know.
And I finshed half the panels on the first page of Superhero!!! Yay!

Now to do homework and the other three panels.

Ick. Homework.

Saturday, January 22


'Tam at Aubrey's. 'Tis much fun. Ushi please email me a copy of Superhero, I can us eit for many things, and I want Aubrey to read it. She can proof for you if you want, probably. And yes. We is having fun. Are watching Dr Who. And playing Triopoly. And blogging. Very confusing.

Thursday, January 20


This site has been given to the librarian by Justin, Bewarned!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 19

Made a blog

for Ushi. But I need to know you people's addresses so's I can invite you to whine about missing Ushi with me.

Tuesday, January 18

Simon Says



or else...

Monday, January 17


We have a problem. That mainly consists of the fact that there is only one copy of Simon Says in three counties and it is on major backorder and it will be up to six weeks before we can get a copy. Who read it in the first place and where did you get a copy, because we could abduct that copy if at all possible and use it too, because we have at least two people who need to read it before Thursday, one of which has vowed to never check anything out of the school library again. And I'm panicking, which is causing me to run on sentences. Could we maybe have a last-minute book change that is a book we have all read? It would make my life easier.

Sunday, January 16

Princess Bride Reference

In Megatokyo!!! Strip #486 ("credit limit"). Haaray!!! MT is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! So is bread!!!!! From Stickboys!!!!!

Edit: And a geek reference, not as good (about fashion; 5k1llz I lack) but still there: Strip #515 ("Angel Eye for the Geek Guy").

Edit 2: Magic-broom-wand reference, Strip #520 ("GTC: more special, little pretty"). I know it should be on P9 3/4 but who cares.

Edit 3: Cute reference! Strip #521, very cute comic strip. Awh!

Edit 4: Black Kitty Ears (pretty much self-explanatory), Strip #523 ("GTC:'rro seeing the lines")

Saturday, January 15

I need a good way to kill these people.bhuhyaqbn mvgbr6fu/xbhz ra q1bd[p 6yfd.kigu7/h/

See what I mean?

But I think you would get along with them if you met them. Especially Abe.

And we haven't gotten the sugar-high yet, so we will let you know how that goes possibly tomorrow.d

They are Margie and Brit in case you didn't know.

Tuesday, January 11

I found it!

Simon Says was under the front seat of my mom's car the whole time. So I can bring it back to school now. I, Lena, vow to never check out another school library book unless I can't get it somewhere else or it is deemed mandatroy or necessary by some other force. And you guys can hold me to it.

Saturday, January 8

The Princess Bride Link

  • "The Good Parts" (
  • Pit of Despair (
  • Movie Mistakes (
  • Quotes, etc.(
  • Wednesday, January 5


    I found a Dr Who scarf pattern. It's the original BBC pattern, too. I left the colors in your Gmail , Meg, and how much to get. But it's happy! And I get something fun to do! And you people can be my critiquers if'n you wants to.

    Tuesday, January 4

    New Plan

    My mom syas not this weekend, cuza exams and not next weekend cuz Margie is coming. But we can do it maybe the next weekend or the next, depending on when I go to Chaleston. And we can't have any boys. Unless we go out to lunch or something. Blerg. So RVSP to this new and revised plan, please.

    Monday, January 3

    Don't tell Ushi

    I want to have a spiffy going away party for Ushi. I can ask my mom if yall can come up with a good date, perferably a friday night. We could order pizza(yalled have to bring money, cuz we can down pizza very fast) and saty up late and watch anime and geek movies. The guys would have to go home, but the girls could maybe stay the night. Let me know.

    Sunday, January 2

    Geek Test

    The Geek Test
    Found a geek test, is pretty accurate. I made a 30.76923% (Total Geek). Here's the link (click on the image)...