It's this blasted puberty.

If anyone can learn to control it, Artemis Fowl can.

Tuesday, May 24

Things....only late

So, Ushi and I did nothing productive on Friday last, and this is the proof.

  • Hither and whither and thither. Plus zither, but that's optional.
  • Obligatory maniacal laughter
  • Uhmmm.....we're not doing anything.......
  • He's like, ruggedier-suave...
  • It's like the Transcendent Pig, only it's the Translucent Pig.
  • ...I can spell "pig"...
  • Your face is furry.
  • Yon grog hath filled mine bladder.
  • It's chaff-less!
  • And hair like a sheep! No, wait, "golden fleece"
  • Pie-rats!
  • It's shiny! In an auditory way.
  • It's like "salaam"...with an "ee"
  • And I, the person whose beard does not match his hair, shall ask for you hand in marriage.
If I could be a character in Star Wars I would use the Force to make my hair to the Princess Leia thing.
If I could be married to the man of my dreams I would make him be romantic, and end up with lots of children.
If I could be run over by a bus I would milk it for all it was worth until I died of boredom in the hospital.
If I could be a four-year-old I would throw temper tantrums in public places and wear costumes to preschool.
If I could be a millionaire I would own Jelly Belly and eat jelly beans until I was sick. And I would have a large pond full of flamingoes in my backyard.

Thursday, May 19


There is going to be a cook out party thing in honour of Ushi at my house on Saturday. It is from 12pm to 3pm and we will have hotdogs and hamburgers and junk food. Anyone who wants to come can, and if you need directions, email me at and I will send them to everyone in a mass mail. I need to know about how many people are coming by Friday morning, preferably sooner. The more the merrier!

Saturday, May 14

National Treasure

Summary of National Treasure:

(In the begining... There was fore-shadowing! *gasp*)
(Foreshadowing-) Oh, my paper that is old!
[In the artic, Lots-O-Snow]
Mr. Cage: Fear me for I have to hefty snowplow-like things!
Geeky Guy: Ra-Ra! My thanks to my uber-spiffy computer skills my computer will now beep!
Computer: Beep! Beep! Beep!
Mr. Cage: Beeping what does it mean!
GG: It means that we are about to find a really old ship with dead guys in it that is covered in snow! *gasp*
Mr. Cage: Oh.
(There is much driving around in snow with large hefty snowplow-like things)
Mr. Cage: (Carring metal detector that beeps!) Mmuummf.
GG: Why are we not cold when out in the artic?
Mr. Cage's Metal Detector: Beep! Beep! Beep!
Mr. Cage: Ah-ha! At last the foreshadowing is revealed!
(Mr. Cage then whips very loose snow away from the ground)
All: *gasp*
(Mr. Cage pulls a water bottle out and squirts at the ground)
GG: It is supposed to be freezing cold out, the water in your water bottle should be frozen, savy?
Mr. Cage: Do not spoil my great moment of discovery, it is very dramatic.
*Poof!* (All of a sudden there is a frozen looking ship sitting in snow)
Mr. Cage: Wow! I didn't know snow could just disappear like that.
GG: There are these things called setup crews...
Mr. Cage: Shut up.
(Lot-O-Walking Around in cold looking ship and jumping at dead people in hammocks.)
Mr. Cage: Fear the cargo hold!
GG: Um...
(Inside the cargo hold!)
GG: Look all the barrels of gunpowder!
Mr. Cage: The gold where is the gold..
GG: Look at yon ice on the ceiling, it seems to mean nothing to the plot.
Mr. Cage: Hush. Behold yon dead guy laying on on top/beside barrel!
GG: ... (Hushed-like)
(Much pulling of dead guys hands and openings of yon barrels)
(Mr. Cage finds box wrapped in cloth in barrel beside dead guy)
Mr. Cage: Fear box all wrapped in cloth and mucked up with gunpowder!
Others: Oh, ah.
(Inside of box-thingy is plot thickener, it looks a bit like corn starch)

(Later... Still in cold looking with dead guys laying around.)
Mr. Cage: I will be impulsive and mix my blood with plot thickener!
Others: Oh, ah.
Mr. Cage: Behold la riddle! (Reads riddle)
GG: Eh..
Others: It's about prison.
Mr. Cage: No it's not.
Others: Yes it is.
Mr. Cage: Shut up.
Mr. Cage: This riddle is about many things, each of which are important to the plot. I will be smart and help out all of you so that you wouldn't have use your brains to think about it.
GG: Um.. I see conflict behind you..
Others: Well that settles that it's it to be evil!
Mr. Cage: What?
Others: Look, we have to be evil so that the will be something in this movie so that it might get good reviews, etc.
Mr. Cage: Oh. *cough, cough* Ra! Evil doers stop thy evil deeds!
Others: No.
Mr. Cage: Why not?
Others: Because we have a gun..
Mr. Cage: Remind me why I trust you..
Others: You don't, read the script.
Mr. Cage: Yeah, Anyway. Ra! Fear me because I now have a handy flare and it makes light!
Others: You flare won't last very long, ha-ha.
Mr. Cage: Flare + Gunpowder on the floor = Boom!
Others: *poke, poke*
Mr. Cage: Raaaa! (Throws flare at the floor.)
Others: Behold my motor skills! (Catchs flare before it hits the floor)
Mr. Cage: Uh-oh.
Others: Oh no! My sleeve has caught fire because of a suspense overflow! (Drops flare)
Floor: Crackle! Crackle!
Mr. Cage: Aaaaahhhh!
Other: Escape.
Mr. Cage: Not so easy escape.
Floor: Phoosh-Boom!! (ship explodes)

That's plenty of summarizing for me. If you want to know more go see the movie youself, etc., etc.

Thursday, May 12

Nee hee.

I have flamingo rain boots.

Ph34r t3h 8!n6o w3ll!35 0f d00m!!!!

Tuesday, May 3

The Day After Tomorrow

the world is going to end.
This is based on conclusive evidence drawn from the Bible Code and several other sources, including an ancient philosopher, that say that the world will end on 5-5-05. Said information was relayed to me by my brother.
Prepare your towels.

Marvin Exclusive

Exclusive Q&A: Marvin the Robot
It was quite a coup to snag an exclusive interview with Marvin, the cranky robot from "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." Assisting a crazy group that includes earth-survivor Arthur Dent (Martin Freeman), President of the Galaxy Zaphod Beeblebrox (Sam Rockwell), "Guide" researcher Ford Prefect (Mos Def) and the beautiful Trillian (Zooey Deschanel) is quite a chore. Plus, traveling all over the universe promoting your new movie has to be taxing on the old server joints. But the dour one (whose voice is eerily similar to Alan Rickman's) took a few minutes to answer some important questions, as only he can.
Hollywood Hitlist: We first encounter you on the Heart of Gold spaceship. Has that always been your home?Marvin: Doors sighing at me? A ship's computer that hates me? Call that home? 'Cause I don't.
HH: You seem like such a sad robot. Are there robot therapists in the universe? Is there a Prozac program that can be administered?M: I may have mentioned that I have this terrible pain in all the diodes down my left side. I've asked for them to be replaced, but no one ever listens.
HH: Many people will think the President of the Galaxy, Zaphod Beeblebrox, has a personality very similar to our President of the United States, George W. Bush. Do you think they could be related?M: "Many people will think?" Ha. Not in my experience. It gives me a headache just trying to think down to your level. And you wonder why they're destroying your planet.
HH: The high priest and former presidential candidate Humma Kavula is a dead ringer for earth-actor John Malkovich. Many have theorized over the years that Malkovich is actually an alien. Could they be one and the same? M: Most of the Galaxy would consider Malkovich -- like every human -- to be alien.
HH: You have a lot of famous robot cousins in Hollywood, from Robbie in "Lost in Space" to Number 5 in "Short Circuit." Do you guys ever get together and play cards? M: Here I am, brain the size of a planet, and you ask me about picking up bits of paper...
HH: What does the "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" say about "Star Wars Episode III: The Revenge of the Sith"? Does it have any insights?M: It says: "See historical costume dramas."
HH: Are there any celebrities that we'd be surprised to find out are actually aliens?M: Most of you would be surprised to find out that the sun comes up every morning.
HH: What does the "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" say about Britney Spears' new baby? Should we care?M: "Reverse primary thrust, Marvin." That's what they say to me. "Open airlock number three, Marvin. Marvin, can you read the "Guide" for me?" Can I read the "Guide"! This is the sort of thing you life-forms enjoy, is it? I ask merely for information.
HH: And finally, when you hit Vegas with your posse, do you stay at the Hard Rock or the Bellagio?M: I just sit in a corner and rust.
"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" opens nationwide April 29

USHIWASHEREMUAHAHAHAHA! Ha. that I have proved myself to be an accomplished hacker, I'll just....go, shall I?

Edit by Meg: Since no one else seems to be planning on doing it, I'm going to post this now. Hope you don't mind. MEGWASHERETOOMUAHAHAHAHAH!!!!